Client: Dudley MBC

Tower Street – Dudley – 90 Space Car Park and Improved Street Scene
Bridge Construction took posession of the site to plan, manage and commence works in late summer with completion in time for the festive shopping period. As well as creating an important new 90 space parking facility, the works also improved the street scene of Tower Street by opening up views to Baylie’s Hall and Dudley Castle helping with the programme of regeneration in the town centre.
The site was identified to contain buried walls and floors of cellars dating back to the Georgian Period so a full-time Archaeologist was on site with a watching brief to survey and document anything that was uncovered during the construction process.
The project included a new surface water drainage connection into a live sewer, installation of new gullies, service ducting for street lighting and pay and display machines, brick retaining wall, installation of new tree pits, reconstruction of the existing perimeter footpath, renovation of a Grade 2 Listed Building external wall, installation of height restriction barriers, decorative pedestrian guard rail and full car park construction including kerbing, surfacing and road markings. Although the site was under control of Bridge Construction throughout the project, there was a live service road running adjacent to the works which needed to be kept open to supply businesses on the busy Dudley High Street which was done successfully with to regular communications with shop owners and other stakeholders.

• Gullies & Drainage.
• Car Park and Footpath Construction.
• Kerbing.
• Ducting for Street Lighting and Pay & Display Machines.
• Road Marking & Signage.
• Pedestrian guard rail.
• Landscaping and Tree Pits.
• Renovation of a Grade II Listed building external wall.
• Height Restriction Barriers.
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